How to use the UIGradient on the Text of a TextButton?


I am trying to set up a UIGradient on my GUI but I can’t seem to set the gradient on the text of my textbutton, the problem is that I cannot place the text on top of the button itself i need to only have the button itself with nothing on top of it. Please help, thanks!

Not sure if there’s a way to make only the text with UI gradient with only a TextButton unless you’re ok having the button background only in black. The only way to make the text with a gradient and not affecting the background is to use a TextLabel with transparent background and the TextColor3 set to white.



GradientButtons.rbxm (6.8 KB)

Sorry if this doesn’t satisfy your question ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Yea I ended up doing this I guess, very sad they didn’t add it for this.


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