How to use viewports?

I have the following script:

	local S,E = pcall(function()
		MainFrame.InformationFrame.CarModelText.Text = Car.Name
		SelectedCar = {
			Car = Car;
			CarColor = nil;
			PlateColor = nil;
		local CarModel = game.ReplicatedStorage.Cars[Car.Name]
		CarModel = CarModel:Clone()
		CarModel.Parent = MainFrame.ImageFrame.ViewportFrame
		for _,v in ipairs(MainFrame.ImageFrame.ViewportFrame:GetChildren()) do
			if v:IsA("ModuleScript") then
				CarModel = v
		local viewportCamera ="Camera")
		MainFrame.ImageFrame.ViewportFrame.CurrentCamera = viewportCamera
		viewportCamera.Parent = MainFrame.ImageFrame.ViewportFrame
		viewportCamera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Orbital
		viewportCamera.CameraSubject = require(CarModel).DriveSeat

(Ignore the use of pcall, it is warranted just not shown here.)
By the time I create the Camera CarModel is a module object, inside the module DriveSeat is a DriveSeat instance. All this works. How can I make the camera suit the DriveSeat so it shows it or orbits it, or something similar.