How to view datastores

Hello! I was wondering if its possible to view all of my data on a large scale UI or something else like a plugin.

I saw the plugin here but it doesn’t seem to work or I cant understand how to go about using this. If anyone could help me then it’d be greatly appreciated!

My datastore is a simple DataStorage called Data

local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService") -- Calling the DataStoreService here that way we can replicate it to the client (X2)
local DataStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("Data")

My data is a table as seen below.

local DefaultData = {
['GroupRole'] = nil;
['HouseData'] = {
	['HouseName'] = 0;
	['HouseID'] = 0;
	['HouseRole'] = nil;
	['HouseIcon'] = nil;
	--['HouseBrickColor'] = nil;
['SpecialColor'] = false;
['ProfileDescription'] = "Default Profile Description! Change it with /desc";
['Gold'] = 0;


My data is saved with the players UserId and a unique key. (In this case it is “1daw41djwada_”)

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Why the unique key?

Anyways to use the plug in you’ll have to first log into the datastore “Data” and then browse to the savefile you want using the same key you use to save: Settings.DataID…plr.UserId

It could be for possible security reasons.

If you need a nonesense key to protect data then your security is flawed elsewhere


Key is actually for testing, This way I can easily reset all data at once when I finish testing.


The plugin works by indexing your data table. Example:

local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local DataStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("Data")
local dataTable = DataStore:GetAsync(Settings.DataID..plr.UserId)
for i,v in pairs(dataTable) do
-- i is the index name and v is the value. If i is not given a index name it will return the value's place number (1, 2, 3, and etc...)
-- Add something here to visualize the datastore

I can go more in depth on how it works if you wanted me to.

I just would like to know how to use the plugin. Like what to put for Scope, Key, Search, etc…

I appreciate that and it truly is helpful if I want to make something myself!

That’s pretty interesting. I’m mainly interested in where the Settings.DataID value comes from, could you explain that?

A module script that has all of my settings, such as my main UI colors etc…

Its just for personal testing as I had no better way to easily wipe data.

Oh, I see. Didn’t notice that last part, whoops.

Ah, you want to learn how to use it? I use this plugin a lot to test if my datastore scripts work.

Alright example DataStore:
DataStoreName = “Test”
DataStoreScope = “Why do guns have scopes”
Key = “Test key”
OrdeedDataStore = false

Click connect and you should see a screen like this

Put your key in the Key box. Click Query and you can see your datastore


So the Scope is just a title? Or a description of what it is.

local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local DataStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("DataStoreName", "Scope")

Does that help you?

Also if you’re using a global scope leave the scope box empty.

Oh, I never put a scope on it I guess.

I had that problem in the start. I had to ask a friend on how to use the plugin. Well I’m excited to see what you’ll do using this plugin.

So what would I put here?

Where you get :GetAsync(“Stuff”) put the first argument in :GetAsync() in the Key box.
:GetAsync(“Oh noes”) the key would be “Oh Noes”

If you need more info go to the Roblox DataStore article