How to visualize cooldowns with gui?

I would like to know, how can I visualize cooldowns with gui.

Video for reference of what I would like to achieve.
(Incase the video doesn’t load, In the video i show an example in a roblox game of the visualization i want to achieve the example being that the frame visualizing the cooldown is being sized down along the Y axis)

Try this:

for i = [How long you want], 0, -1 do
	task.wait(1) -- You can change this to what number it should count down by
	[Your text] = tostring(i)

Also the video doesn’t load so this is just my best guess on what you want to achieve :slight_smile:

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It is a good way of visualizing cooldowns, just not the one I want, I went ahead and edited the post to explain the video incase it didnt load. Thank you for informing me about the video not loading.

frame:TweenSize(UDim2.fromScale(1, 0), "InOut", "Linear", cooldownTime, true)

Yes, this has worked. Thank you very much!

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