How to weld models?
Hello, I want to weld models to a base part, but the problem is that it doesn’t work, I need to weld every single part to the base part.
Is there a solution to just weld models?
How to weld models?
Hello, I want to weld models to a base part, but the problem is that it doesn’t work, I need to weld every single part to the base part.
Is there a solution to just weld models?
You need to attach every parts to work thats the only solution
You weld models by welding them. I don’t think there’s a different explanation for that.
There are various tools in the plugin catalog that you can search for that can handle welding of entire models. The constraints menu also contains a weld menu if you fancy WeldConstraints.
You can use a very simple script, e.g.
function Weld(part, base)
if part:IsA("BasePart") then
local wc ="WeldConstraint")
wc.Part0 = base
wc.Part1 = part
wc.Parent = base
elseif part then
for _,child in pairs(part:GetChildren()) do
Weld(child, base)
-- model = the model you want to weld up
-- model.Part = replace with whatever you want your base to be
-- base = the thing every part gets welded to
Weld(model, model.Part)
Although I would recommend using something like qPerfectionWeld (look it up in toolbox), it’s very good.
Edit: note: untested code.
Also there are auto-welding plugins, if you want to rig (well character parts) then I can advise you this