How to yield a script until function returns a value

Basically I have two scripts, script A and script B. In script A I require script B which has a function that returns a value. However, this value only gets returned when a button is clicked. I was wondering how to yield script A until script B returns that value. I’ve tried coroutines but they didn’t seem to work out for me, maybe I was just doing them wrong. I also looked around but couldn’t find much related to my issue. Any help would be nice, thanks!

Example of the first script

local ReturnedValue = require(script.OnClick)
local Value = ReturnedValue()
print(Value) -- Nil
return function(Button)
       return 'This value will be nil'

why not use a module script? [ char limit]

This should do the trick.

local ReturnedValue = require(script.OnClick)
local Value = ReturnedValue()
repeat wait() until Value ~= nil --This will yield the thread until the value no longer is nil.--
print(Value) -- Nil

In the example you provided, when you call the function from script B, the current thread of script A will yield until this function returns but if this function was wrapped into another thread like task.spawn for example, the thread of the script A will continue to work without yielding.

I don’t exactly know the goal; can you explain more context?

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I am, I should’ve said that sorry.

This doesn’t seem to be the case. When I print the returned value from the module it prints nil and the script just keeps going on. I could give the actual code example if that would help you out more.

I considered that but I was hoping there would be an easier/more efficient way than using a loop.

I tested your code examples, a script that requires a module script which does return a function upon requiring, executing the returned function should yield the script’s thread
(10 secs) until the value "This value will be nil" is returned.

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do you understand how modulescripts work?

Perhaps it is because I’m returning something in an event. I simply thought using that as an example would work but here is what it actually looks like.

local dosomething = require(script.ModuleScript)
local button = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:WaitForChild('Test').TextButton
local value = dosomething(button)
return function(button)
		return 'value'


Very sorry

For the most part. I use modules a lot but I am still learning everyday

why not put the event in just one script

Well the module creates some buttons and a frame for me. It also sets a MouseButton1Up event to each button. It’s really just to make the code look neater.

You can simply use the event’s Wait method to yield the current thread.

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return function(button)
	return "value"
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why not make a function in the module script where you provide the button that you want to be clicked and the callback that you want to be called, something like this

module:OnButtonClicked(Button : Instance, CallbackFunction)

idk how your gui is set up but this is just an example ^

I don’t believe this would work for me considering I create buttons in a loop each with their own event. Unless I could somehow tell the module to return outside of that loop but I have no clue

Just pause the current thread just before returning the value, and resume it when the button is pressed.

-- ModuleScript
return function(button)
    local thread = coroutine.running()
    return 'value'

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