How to yield until a ModuleScript returns a value?

I’ve adopted the Madwork framework of writing code. I have a ModuleScript called Madwork which contains useful ModuleScripts for my game. Madwork returns the table Madwork as well as assigning _G.Madwork = Madwork, so that any Script/LocalScript can do things like this at the top of the code:

local Madwork = _G.Madwork -- Framework saved in Global table
local Promise = require(Madwork.GetShared("Promise") -- Easy require

The problem is that asynchronous functions within _G.Madwork like :WaitForChild(module_path) mean that other scripts try to index _G.Madwork before it has even been assigned. I have to do something like:

wait(5) <-- Wait for ModuleScripts to load e.g. ReplicatedStorage.Promise
local Madwork = _G.Madwork <-- Framework saved in Global table
local Promise = require(Madwork.GetShared("Promise") <-- Easy require

Otherwise I will be assigning the Madwork variable before the ModuleScript has even returned anything:

local Madwork = nil -- Not good

Is there a clever way to ensure that when I assign:

local Madwork = _G.Madwork

That it actually already exists in the first place, otherwise yield the script?

As of writing this post, this has fixed it for me:

repeat task.wait() until _G.Madwork ~= nil
local Madwork = _G.Madwork

Is there still an easier and neater way?

If you absolutely need to use _G for this, then I don’t believe you can get much neater than repeatedly waiting until it exists.

You could hackily get it by giving _G a metatable if you don’t want to wait until the task.wait call finishes

local thisThread = coroutine.running()

setmetatable(_G, getmetatable(_G) or { __newindex = function(self, k, v)
    rawset(self, k, v)

    if k == 'Madwork' and coroutine.status(thisThread) == 'suspended' then
        task.spawn(thisThread, v)

local madwork = _G.Madwork or coroutine.yield()

You could also add the current thread to a big table inside of _G and resume the threads once _G.Madwork finishes running. But realistically if you’re looking for cleanliness I think the absolute neatest way to go about it would be to just have a single big require call at the top of each script needing to access the framework.

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