How was this made?

Hello, i’m wondering how the visual effects of this were made.
I know they’re gerstner waves (i already figured out the formula and made it procedural.)
but i believe they’re using some sort of forcefield texture, and i have no idea how they made this.

I’m asking how they made the texture and the visuals, not the code.

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I’m not quite sure, but probably a combination of Beams and ParticleEmitters can do the trick.


it’s not particles or beams :confused:

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Umm, I watched it and missing what is different about it, otherwise then terrain water, with waves, Lighting skybox and other stuff in Lighting … plus the dude is just standing on a transparent part…

what am I missing?

It isnt terrain water… its generated water with waves but the water texture is done very well. Looks like force field laid out over each other.

like the other guy said, it’s not terrain water :slight_smile:

seems to be a mesh with pbr textures that has bones to simulate water currents
very cool effect they made here but imo its more of a gimmick than a legit method you could use to enhance big maps

terrain water should be okay enough if you’re implying that you want this to be added to a personal project of yours

yeah, no.
terrain water isn’t enough, i know they’re using PBR but i’m really asking how they did it, i already said i had scripted the waves already, i just need to know how they made the shine on the water

if you really want the shine cant you make the texture glossy? there are a lot of tutorials covering that on the internet

that’s not what i’m talking about.

you can see some sort of shine, which isn’t just reflectancy

This is because the material might be set to a shinier material.

have you tried making the pbr a high metal look… and or set the part with the pbr to metal