How was this type of GUI achieved?

In this video, there are guis that look like they arent normal GUIS and instead something else. Im wondering how he achieved this?

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It does looks like it was a billboard gui that parented on parts or it might uses custom proximity prompt (realising that making custom proximity prompt requires billboard gui)

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Those are defiently billboardguis, just hook it up to the uppertorso or humainoidrootpart. It could also be achived by proximity prompts but they are a bit big and may not be as perfect. I’d prefer billboardgui.

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Based on how they tween across the screen I’m inclined to say they are regular GUIs that are positioned with a tween using the data from Camera:WorldToScreenPoint

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The guis sway and readjust when the camera moves. I don’t think billboardguis act like that (not that I work with them often). So it’s possibly on the screen and adjusting with the camera and world parts.

billboard guis move with the player torsos like that, with some camera shake and some blur it’ll look just like that. No matter what direction you move your screen the billboard guis remain in it’s same position etc giving it that moving sway illusion look.

I assume they have used custom proximity prompts, and user input service.

Create a boolvalue that detects if the player is climbing.

Then, use User Input Service, check if the boolvalue is true, then take it from there.

From looking at this they might have used RayCasting and then using Camera:WoldToScreenPoint

That kinda looks like the new Roblox Uncharted