How worth it would it be to make a VR game on ROBLOX?

(edit 1, i changed categories last minute and forgot to remove the label!)

First off sorry if I’ve accidentally chosen the wrong topic thingy, I’m not good with this labelling stuff, im also a bit nervous to post this

Title might sound a bit vague, but I’m working alone on this cool VR game, inspired from games outside of ROBLOX like Alien Isolation and Cyberpunk 2077’s styles

What I’m concerned about is how I should approach this because I know there aren’t many VR games on ROBLOX, so does anybody have any information or insight as to how I could get my VR game out there at all, let alone how many VR players are there on the ROBLOX platform based on an average estimate and / or guess.

I don’t have much to show aside from some lobby images, so if I can ill post em here too!

any and all feedback and advice is appreciated just please go easy on me

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I think it’s the smallest market on the platform, even less than console. The only VR games I have seen do well is because they are multi-platform games.

For example those VR hands games where the vr player is huge and interacts with players in other platforms

In addition, Roblox gives the impression that it hasn’t been providing much in the terms of updates or maintenance to VR.

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I see what you mean… Even if my chances are low, I still want to provide an amazing story and experience to the few players that would play my game, I know I have some friends that may have a VR headset to play it (and my game will be designed around Oculus Quest 3 and 2) so Im not worried about hardware demographics.

anyways im just rambling >p> but very much excited to make my game anyway

That’s the best reason to make a game at the end of the day

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