How would a Creator Code system work?

I thought about adding a Creator Code system in my game, everything is fine, I thought about giving the cash earned to the Creators when the server gets updated, well, now the problem would be giving them the cash, how i would give them the cash when they’re offline/online in another server? If I use datastore while they are playing, they could lose what they earned when they leave, if there’re too much Creator Codes, the server would reach the datastore limit, so i don’t know if there’s another way to do this, thanks for reading.

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I’m not sure by what you mean by a “Creator Code system” but sounds interesting. As for possibly giving players cash even when they’re offline, I have an initial idea. You should try to track the times the player logs into the game in some sort of DataStore. Then, you could calculate the amount of time they’ve been out of the game by doing the difference from their previous play session to their current one. Then, you could use that value and multiply it by some amount and that’s the amount of cash they would be rewarded.

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You can SetAsync/UpdateAsync once the cash is given out, this should work.

However if they are in another server you might want to use GetAsync to make sure they have the most recent updated value before saving it again.

You shouldn’t worry too much about the limits as it’s a bit hard to reach it, what you get is called warnings. The data will save but will be added to a queue if those warnings show up.

I believe Roblox lets you attempt a save x times before it errors. Use a repeat in this case.