Im not great at making insides to things (mostly vehicles) such as a sleigh (a sleigh counts as a vehicle right?) so i need some help making the inside to it and just some general fixing to the model as well but mostly the inside.
Heres a video of the whole model to save some time looking at 1000 photos.
Add a stool for santa to sit on and then his big bag of toys in the back lol. Great model by the way.
Add two bench rows and a spot to put the bag of toys. Great base model.
Perfect! All it needs now is a huge lumpy sack in the back.
Looks nice I like it if you put some bells and lights on the side it would look really cool.
Hows this for a santa sack?
Although something still doesnt feel right i think its the cut off in the front this bit right here
How can i fix that?
(Also if the sack looks lazy its because cloth simulation collisions aren’t working right blame blender not me)
@JamminRedPandaMan @GamerLegend0808 I started texturing it i think its going well although one question i have is that is it bad to use a image from google and use that as your texture instead of making one yourself? cause thats what i did lol anyways heres the sleigh.
I am aware the back and front is very empty with the texture is there any way i can fix that?
Maybe put some elf’s or benches for elf’s?
Honestly depends on what you plan to use it for. In most cases however, I wouldn’t use textures from google without permission.
Well i think the sleigh is a little small for that and santa doesnt usually fly with his elfs.
Okay sounds cool I was just sugusting it,