I’m trying to pass a table through a remote event then compare that to another table and if the tables don’t match it will kick the player (aka making an anti-cheat for the remote with 55 keys. Also, yes the key’s will be hard to predict & ik ofc not practical I just wanna see what I can make) I saw some other threads similar but they were confusing or didn’t answer the question directly.
My main issue right now is that it’s only checking for if there are 55 items in the table and not if the 55 items are the same value. (in this simplified case 3 items)
Local Script (This is a simplified version obv, not the real one)
local remote = game:GetService("SoundService"):WaitForChild("RemoteEvent")
local Arguments = {
[1] = "a"
[2] = "b"
[3] = "c"
Server Script (Again simplified)
local remote = game:GetService("SoundService"):WaitForChild("RemoteEvent")
local Arguments1 = {
[1] = "a"
[2] = "b"
[3] = "c"
if unpack(Arguments) == unpack(Arguments1) then
plr:Kick("non epic gamer detected")