I’ve seen some game that can make a wedge shaped like this. But i don’t know how did they do this. Anyone experienced know how?
Simply insert a cornerwedgepart, you can search it up with insert object.
@FatFitFut, it’s already in studio:
Edit: Oh, wait, your diagram has one less side.
That’s not the wedge i am looking for. Corner wedge part looks like this
Take a look at the difference
@TOP_Crundee123 sorry but you probably didn’t see the picture below your post. haha.
Edit : Re-looking at this picture i made. Im such in a hurry that’s the text is innacurate lol. It mean to say “This is a square surface wedge. I am looking for a triangle surface wedge”
If you search for corner wedges in Meshes in the toolbox, you can find a bunch. I use this one: https://www.roblox.com/library/459057546/Inside-Corner-Wedge
Is there any other way to make this inside a studio though? Im trying to have a project in which every assets in it is my own creation.
I would risk using union tho achieve this
There are only three ways (as I know of ) You can either make one in blender (Or any other 3d modeling software) or get a mesh off of the toolbox or library (I honestly think that only using a wedge from someone else isn’t a big deal because of it being a simplistic shape anyway
(Another way is using the studio CornerPart Instance I’m always learning something every time i log onto the devforum XD How would i achieve a wedge like this? - #2 by VegetationBush)
I see. Guess i have to go the hard way then.
Let’s say you have a square part:
Then I duplicated it and rotated in 90 degrees:
I then lined up the corners:
Then I made it larger and negated it:
I unioned the two and now I have a triangle:
Side view:

Then I lined up a part, and rotated it 35 degrees:
Negated and unioned to get this:

If you want a different angle, then change the “35 degrees” step to whatever angle you want.
45 degrees:
Hope this helped. @FatFitFut
The best way i’ve found. Thank you so much. I’ll try to master this unioning style
Btw in the several first part. You can just simplify the triangle making by using classic wedge. Shorten the proccess
Sorry for the necropost, but this is important. Corner wedges are built-in to Roblox, but they aren’t shown as a part in the insert object menu. The difference to a one made with a union is that they are easier to adjust (you can resize them however you want), they have a 0% chance to break and they should actually be smaller to store (since a union keeps its history of subtraction/addition). The easiest way to get a “native” corner wedge is with a plugin.
2 good plugins for that:
Studio Build Suite, which can convert a
from one class to another (so if you select a wedge and type inCornerWedgePart
, it’ll make a CornerWedge) - F3X Build Tools, which directly lets you insert a corner wedge with the menu when you press J with the plugin activated
These plugins are infinitely helpful in the long run anyway, so I suggest getting them. Have fun!
To make it yourself you’d have to do a series of negations and unions to make this object. But in my opinion it would be much easier to find one in the toolbox. Corner Wedges are a fairly common shape and wouldn’t be harmful to take a simplistic shape for a build.
Honestly you should avoid using roblox studio to make complex shapes which require the use of unions and negating.
I reccomend blender, it’s pretty simple to learn if you wanted to make that shape it’d take basic knowledge of using vertices while also being a lot less expensive on the asset/map you’re building.
I agree with this 100% on shapes that aren’t built into Roblox. CornerWedges are a not-so-good-example since they are builtin but they act 1:1 like as if you made the mesh for it, so it almost doesn’t matter.
Networking! The player will have to download the mesh from the Internet instead of using what’s already a builtin feature which increases loading times a tiny bit. If you do this with multiple meshes, loading times could increase substantially especially for players with a bad connection.
Sorry for replying to an old post, but I just made a plugin that solves this problem, without using unions and all their glitchy issues. It does this by truncating corner wedges (removing the “corner” of the CornerWedge):
How it looks after truncation (two wedges make up the new plane)
I’ve used unions in the past, and while they’re usually easy to make and get the job done, they come with a laundry list of problems such as scaling, collision, coloring/materials, inconsistent (unpredictable) geometry, and scripting issues. I agree that meshes are a pretty good solution to this, but using BaseParts offers some additional functionality that meshes don’t.
Additionally, @Spacerator
This isn’t relevant to the question the OP is asking. What is pictured is a triangle-plane wedge, or a truncated CornerWedge, essentially a CornerWedge without the corner, which is only possible through unioning, meshes, or splitting it into smaller geometry (as the plugin solves it).
You are absolutely correct. I was misled by #2, it seems I didn’t fully read through.