How would i add mountains to my perlin noise generator?

I am making a perlin noise generator to generate a small island, and its going quite well.

However i want to make it so that there will always be a single mountain on it at the edge of the island. I tried by selecting a random position at the edge and multiplying the noise value by the mountain size - distance from the mountain.

Like this:

local MountainDist = math.clamp(MountainSize-(,0,y)-MountainPos).Magnitude,1,MountainSize)
local n = (1 + math.noise(x/Smoothness, y/Smoothness, Seed))*(Size+MountainSize) 

It looked awful when i tried that, its way to steep. Going from slightly hilly to extreme slope

I searched a lot but i couldnt find any solution to it on the devforum.
If you got any questions, such as if you want more code, please ask

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