After making a pistol viewmodel that I’m happy with visually, I’ve decided to start working on the actual character holding the gun. I redid all the animations to fit the character, started to script it and realized that I have no idea what I’m doing.
Okay let me explain my thinking process:
After making the animations, I realized that the only way to animate parts of the gun (e.g. the slide, mag, etc.) was to joint the character’s HumanoidRootPart
to them. (Part0 being HumanoidRootPart
and not Handle).
So, I decided to create those joints in a server script when the gun tool was equipped and load the animations immediately after.
When it came to playing the animations, my plan was to fire the server script when one of the viewmodel animations get played.
However, as you can tell, it didn’t exactly work. The joined parts seem to fly around my head and then disappear when I shoot the gun.
I did have a few print()
messages scattered about, though.
The first one returns and the second one doesn’t (which seems to be just an error in my strings)
So, the question I ask is, Can this approach at animating the character work? Is it just an error I’ve made somewhere, or do I just need to try something entirely new? I honestly have no idea what I’m doing with animation so any replies will help. Let me know if you need any more context or anything, I’m pretty bad at making these topic things.
Anyways, thanks