How would i be able to cell shade a local players character?

how would i be able to cell shade a local players character?
i have attempted to add it into the local player through the player added function then characteradded function but i cant seem to figure out how to get the cell shade onto the player when they join

i would like to achieve image

on the local player

So basically you want to do it without the others seeing it?

no i want others to see it, but i want everybody to have the cell shading on them, or well every player that joins is what i mean

just create your own StarterCharacter. Create a basic dummy, duplicate all the body part, turn them to forcefield and black colored. Once you did it, just weld the parts to the body part it should belong.

but how would i be able to do that with every character that joins?

all you have to do is adding the StarterCharacter to StarterPlayer just like my screenshot show you:

this is basically how you let everyone plays with a customized character made by you

when i try this it gives me these errors

Just add a dummy via the plugin, rename all the shade parts into something else (excepted the humanoid which is not a part). Also, into the shade’s parts, delete everything before welding it to the character. Then finally, i would recommend you to take a look at google “roblox studio how to create a StarterCharacter” or something like this.

i see, but then how would i get the local players normal outfit with the cell shading if the dummy is the character now?

There is 2 possibilities in my mind:

  1. you script this part to fit with everyone that joins
  2. you script a viewportframe which would surround every player that joins

either way, you have to script it. After it, it all depends on your scripting skills.

i see, thank you very much for your help ill just keep it as the dummy for now for my project and save your reply as the answer :slight_smile: have a good day

Same to you, it was a pleasure to helps :+1:

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