How would I be able to see magnitude?

I’m making a pvp game and I’m using magnitude as hitboxes. Unfortunately, I have no idea what the hitbox would look like and would like to be able to visualise it.

Create a sphere with the size of the Magnitude and weld it to the thing with the hitbox. Make sure to turn the sphere’s CanCollide, CanQuery and CanTouch off.

For example, if you have the distance of 5 studs:

if (Character.Position - Sword.Position).Magnitude <= 5 then
   -- PVP Logic...

Then you would create a sphere with a size of (5, 5, 5), for either (or both) the character and sword to visualise a 5 radius hitbox.

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Thank you so much! I assumed you’d have to do some complicated math to visualise magnitude.