How would I calculate a damage percentage?

Hey all, I absolutely suck with math and I was wondering how to make a damage percentage thing.

So I make the humanoid take the damage, but if I want let’s say, an extra 20% damage, how would I do that?

My code I’m trying to get to work:

HitHumanoid:TakeDamage(2.5 ? Hit.Parent.CombatFolder:WaitForChild("Statuses"):WaitForChild("Damage Multiplier").Value)

I have a 20 in the value for testing purposes, but how would I turn that into a percentage?

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You can interpret a percentage as a value between 1 and 2. So in this case, 20% would be 1.20. If the original damage was 2.5 then you can just do:

HitHumanoid:TakeDamage(2.5 * Hit.Parent.CombatFolder:WaitForChild("Statuses"):WaitForChild("Damage Multiplier").Value)

In this case. The ‘Damage Multiplier’ Value would be 1.2 for a 20% increase in the damage being dealt.

Some examples of decimal to percentage converges:
10% - 1.10
25% - 1.25
55% - 1.55
100% - 2

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