Hello, So I’m trying to change a blocks color using a vector3 value.
In my value I have got a color code and within the script I want it to when the text button is clicked a blocks color changes to the vector3 value.
Thanks for reading.
Hello, So I’m trying to change a blocks color using a vector3 value.
In my value I have got a color code and within the script I want it to when the text button is clicked a blocks color changes to the vector3 value.
Thanks for reading.
Would you use the xyz values for your color3?
Like this?
local vec3 = --your vector3 value
local color = Color3.fromRGB(vec3.X, vec3.Y, vec3.Z)
I just get this error.
Unable to assign property BrickColor. BrickColor expected, got Color3
Heres my script part I added.
local Color = player.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("PlacementGUI"):WaitForChild("SettingsFrame"):WaitForChild("ColorOption"):WaitForChild("Color").Value
Parts.BrickColor = Color3.fromRGB(Color.X, Color.Y, Color.Z)
Just use .Color instead of .BrickColor
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