I am unsure on how I would do this, and I have not tried anything so far.
An example of what I am doing with a function:
SetProperties = function(Object, Table)
for index, c in pairs(Table) do
Object[c.key] = c.Value
--something like this, finds the property based on the keyname and sets the value
local a = Instance.new("Part")
SetProperties(a, {Name = "Test", BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Pastel Blue"), Anchored = true, Transparency = .5, Parent = workspace})
--reason for doing a for loop instead of specifically looking for properties is because I may also want to do it with other object:
local b = Instance.new("ScreenGui")
SetProperties(b, {Name = "UI", Enabled = false, Parent = game:GetService("StarterGui")})
Edit: Fixed title name which I managed to cut the end off
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Maybe try this?
function setObjectProperties(object, tableOfProperties)
for propertyName, propertyValue in pairs(tableOfProperties) do
object[propertyName] = propertyValue
Thanks!, I forgot that index isn’t always a number 
Yeah its okay. By the way, I strongly recommend you to use the traditional way of setting properties of objects:
local object = Instance.new(<object class name>) do
object.<property name here> = <property value here>
-- other properties...
object.Parent = <objects parent here>
I think setting properties of objects with tables is a bad practice because it looks really weird and no one does it this way, though, I dont know why would you use tables for this.
replacing someone elses use of LoadLibrary(“RbxUtility”).Create() with a function that uses Instance.new() instead, I went through 100 odd lines just to make it look like function(“string”,{table}) instead of function"string"{table}, not the best way but it makes my job much quicker
EDIT: I made a function for this which does not modify how the syntax for rbxutility create was
create = function(class)
return function(properties)
local ins = Instance.new(class)
for key, val in next, properties do
if type(key) == "number" and typeof(val) == "Instance" then
val.Parent = ins
ins[key] = val
return ins;