Hello! I am attempting to create a game that requires a building system. I have searched online however none of the tutorials cover the system I need. Im hoping to create one similar to the one used in Plane Crazy, or the one used in Build A Boat For Treasure
Anyone know of a tutorial I missed OR what system I would need to use to do this (like raycasting or something)
I know I’m a bit late to respond but I am currently making a game called HecticBuilds which uses a building system that I made. For my system, I use a combo of raycasting and mouse.Hit/mouse.Target (I originally used just that and have been switching to raycast because raycast is better to work with). If you want to keep it basic like F3X, I would recommend shooting a raycast away from the player’s camera towards the mouse position. Then create a part in the workspace and set the position of the part to the raycastresult position. the reason I use raycasts is that it is easier for me to filter out blocks without setting them to can-collide-false and can-query-false. here is a bit of code from my game. (this is used for the placement of the block hitbox on the client)
local mouseposition1 = UIS:GetMouseLocation()
local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
local raycastdistance = 10000
local raycastparameters = RaycastParams.new()
raycastparameters.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist
raycastparameters.FilterDescendantsInstances = filter
local mouseray = Camera:ViewportPointToRay(mouseposition1.X, mouseposition1.y)
local Raycastresult = workspace:Raycast(mouseray.Origin, mouseray.Direction * raycastdistance, raycastparameters)
local resultname = Raycastresult.Instance
local resultsurface = Raycastresult.Normal
local resultsurfaceX = math.round(Raycastresult.Normal.X)
local resultsurfaceY = math.round(Raycastresult.Normal.Y)
local resultsurfaceZ = math.round(Raycastresult.Normal.Z)
X = math.floor(Raycastresult.Position.X + 1) - .5
Y = math.floor(Raycastresult.Position.Y + 1)
Z = math.floor(Raycastresult.Position.Z + 1) - .5
if mouse.Target == Raycastresult.Instance then
if mouse.Target == workspace.Plot1.Base then
Y = math.floor(Raycastresult.Position.Y + 1) + 1
Y = math.floor(Raycastresult.Position.Y + 1)
positionA = CFrame.new(X, Y, Z)
if resultsurfaceY == 1 then
positionA += Vector3.new(0,0,0)
elseif resultsurfaceY == -1 then
positionA += Vector3.new(0,-2,0)
elseif resultsurfaceX == 1 then
positionA += Vector3.new(1,0,0)
elseif resultsurfaceX == -1 then
positionA += Vector3.new(-1,0,0)
elseif resultsurfaceZ == 1 then
positionA += Vector3.new(0,0,1)
elseif resultsurfaceZ == -1 then
positionA += Vector3.new(0,0,-1)
I hope this helps in the case you are still working on this.