Basically i am trying to make it so that all items that have been left unidle for 10 seconds get respawned through this script:
local num = 0
local tickT = 0
local db = false
local Models = {
local RespawnPos = {
--Set up
for i, v in pairs (game.Workspace.Items:GetChildren()) do
table.insert(Models, i, v)
table.insert(RespawnPos, i, v.PrimaryPart.Position)
while wait() do
tickT = tickT + 0.03
for i, v in pairs(Models) do
if (RespawnPos[i] - v.PrimaryPart.Position).Magnitude > 5 then
if not v.PrimaryPart:FindFirstChild("IsGrabbed") then
db = true
if num >= 10 then
Respawn(v.PrimaryPart, RespawnPos[i])
num = 0
db = false
num = 0
if db == false then
num = 0
if tickT > 0.99 then
tickT = 0
num = num + 1
However, it’s only one item PER 10 seconds that is being respawned rather than all items that have been idle for 10 seconds hence I want to make a loop for every object in said table as i think this could be my solution.
The condition of num >= 10, after being satisfied, will respawn 1 item then will be reset back to 0. After that point, for the duration of the for loop, num stays at 0, thus that if statement’s condition is never satisfied again during that loop. So, only that 1 item is respawned. That’s the issue you’ll want to address.
Well I would store the models a bit differently. I’d make it a dictionary, using the model reference as the “key”, and then the value being a table of data for the model. An example of a piece of data could be the last time the model was dropped. Then, you could just continuously iterate through the dictionary, checking the model’s last time dropped and if it was (for example) 10 seconds ago (I’m assuming that is what you mean by being idle), do whatever you want with it (aka respawn).
Ah yeah, i thought of doing that too but to be honest i completely forgot how to do that in a script, im guessing it was something like table.insert(objects, i, object = 0)
(What exactly was the format to do it btw?)
then going through it and doing objects.object = objects.object + 1?
Here’s a little example to setup your dictionary
for i, item in pairs (game.Workspace.Items:GetChildren()) do
Models[item] = {lastDropTime = tick(), someExtraDataValue = nil}
To iterate through it:
for key, val in pairs (Models) do
So with the way I have setup the table, each key in the dictionary is a reference to the model/item, and the key’s value is a table of whatever data you want to attach to it.
Here’s a neat resource to refresh your memory further: