I have parts around the map called WeaponSpawn, and I’m trying to make ever single child of the WeaponSpawns folder to randomly choose a Tool from the ServerStorage and Clone then parent it to the part. How would I do so? This is a simple script I’ve formed at the moment but it seems to not be working
-- Variables
local weapons = game.ServerStorage.Weapons
local weaponsChildren = weapons:GetChildren()
local weaponCount = #weaponsChildren
local spawns = game.Workspace.GamePlay.WeaponSpawns
local spawnsChildren = spawns:GetChildren()
local spawnsAmount = #spawnsChildren
local spawnTime = math.random(30, 40)
local function spawnWeapon(player)
-- Running through all parts in the folder
for index, child in pairs(spawns:GetChildren()) do
if child:IsA("BasePart") and child.Name == "WeaponSpawn" then -- Checking to make sure they are an actual weapon spawn
-- Setting Properties
child.Transparency = 1
child.CanCollide = false
-- Spawn Weapon
local chooseWeapon = math.random(1, #weaponsChildren)
--print("Weapons: "..weaponCount)
if chooseWeapon == 1 then -- Glock
local clone = weapons.Glock:Clone()
clone.Parent = child
clone:WaitForChild("Handle").Position = child.Position
elseif chooseWeapon == 2 then -- AK
local clone = weapons.AK:Clone()
clone.Parent = child
clone:WaitForChild("Handle").Position = child.Position
elseif chooseWeapon == 3 then -- Scar
local clone = weapons.Scar:Clone()
clone.Parent = child
clone:WaitForChild("Handle").Position = child.Position
elseif chooseWeapon == 4 then -- AWP
local clone = weapons.AWP:Clone()
clone.Parent = child
clone:WaitForChild("Handle").Position = child.Position
I am not exactly sure why it’s not working. However, I’ll give my observations on what seems odd. Perhaps it will change something:
Why does the function spawnWeapon() have an argument named ‘player?’
I can’t see where the script is located based on the screenshot you gave. Is it in ServerStorage? If so, I’m pretty sure it won’t run unless you put it in ServerScriptService;
You set the parent of the weapon to the part before changing its position. It’s generally a good idea to make sure the weapon is in the right spot before rendering it in the world;
I haven’t worked with tools in a long time, but is the only object in the tool the handle? If not, you might be only teleporting the handle, which could cause problems;
Make sure the weapon spawners are anchored.
May I also make a suggestion?
You create a random number based on the number of weapons in ServerStorage, but you compare said number to a constant set of items (namely, the Glock, AK, Scar and AWP). I would change the list to be more versatile and less code redundant. Like so:
local weaponList = {}
for _, weapon in pairs(weaponsChildren) do
table.insert(weaponList, weapon)
local weaponChosen = weaponList[chooseWeapon]
--Make sure the indexed weapon actually exists
if weaponChosen then
local newWeapon = weaponList[chooseWeapon]:Clone()
I’m pretty sure it’s not working because you have an argument for spawnWeapon called “player” but you never put a parameter when you called the function. You also don’t need this function (I think) so if you just delete the player argument it should work.
First, I’d make sure that all the parts are properly welded to the Handle. I would also CFrame the object to the weapon spawns CFrame because I don’t think welded parts exactily work well with Position.
Also, instead of manually checking each weapon you could do
local part = weaponsFolder:GetChildren[math.random(1,#weapons)]
whoops i made a typo. You want to close the GetChildren with () before the brackets []. You also need to put the number of weapons in the math.random, or you can just do #weaponsFolder:GetChildren(). Forgot to put that also
Dont know the technical reason, but you need to close GetChildren() with () at the end or else it will error, and then by putting the [math random] after it it gets that instance inside of the table. You also want to change weaponsChildren to
Instead of using conditionals for checking the weapon, why not just find the weapon through weaponschildren via index and then afterwards parent it accordingly?
for index, child in pairs(spawns:GetChildren()) do
if child:IsA("BasePart") and child.Name == "WeaponSpawn" then
child.Transparency = 1
child.CanCollide = false
local randomWeapon = weaponsChildren[math.random(1, #weaponsChildren)]:Clone()
randomWeapon.Parent = child
randomWeapon:WaitForChild("Handle").Position = child.Position