How Would I Create a Synced Server Season System?

I want to create a synced server season system but don’t know how should I start or make it.
I saw a tutorial here talking about synced server daily shop and though how could I make it withouth being random. I want to make everyday be a specific season
Ex: Day 1 = Summer I Day 2 = Winter I Day 3 = Spring I Day 4 = Fall I Day 5 = Summer I Day 6 = Winter I …
But it has to be the same season for every server. Maybe a seed would help on this system.
To be easier to understand think of each day being a certain number(1 to 4).

You could make it date based, having monday summer, Tuesday Fall and so on. (Or dates making a pattern)

Or have a Datastore that lists what day you want and make a server script that changes the day if activated.

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Since no one could help I figured out by myself a way to get this. So I used math to get how many days since the Unix time and I used the last digit with the math.floor() to design the seasons to it.
Ex: if the last digit is 1 then that day will be summer, if the last digit is 2 then that day will be fall etc.
Thats how I did it.
Thanks Kiwi tho for the hint.

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