How would I create a train suspension using prismatics and bodyforces?

Hello, I came across this post on X

and I thought it was really cool! So I thought I wanted to recreate something like that. But how should I do that? I tried with springs and a prismatic constraint, but without success. It doesn’t give me that “wobbly” effect to the side that I want to achieve.

Then I thought I could use alingorientations and remove the prismatic constraint, but that didn’t work either.

I know that some bodyforces, etc. are deprecated though.

So I’m here now asking for your help.

Appreciate it!


I don’t need help anymore, found a way how to do it.

Here’s how:

1 Cylindrical constraint in the middle, and 2 spring constraint on the sides. Fine tune it a little bit and you get somewhat the same result.


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