How would I create similar terrain generation like minecraft?

So, I’m trying to achieve a terrain generation script like minecraft, with their own unique textures - which ill also revamp in FIB 3.0 for PBRs. I want it to also generate ore in between ore aswell.

However, I can’t figure out on how to make it, nor do I have code for it. I searched up tutorials on youtube but none were useful.

Sadly, I Couldn’t find anything on the internet, just outdated or stuff I didn’t understand.


Minecraft uses perlin noise generation, so your best bet is to do that with cubes.

Hello! You’ll want to take a look at procedural generation. Also, what @BladianMC said is a great use too.



Minecraft uses Perlin Noise and Perlin worms, not A Procedual Generation.


Perlin Noise and Perlin Worms are types of Procedural Generation. But I think I understand that what you were talking about was the shape of trees not being procedural, as that is the thumbnail picture for the Wikipedia article.

But as for the original post, I recommend checking out the Scripting Terrain article in the Developer Hub. Even if you aren’t using terrain, read the last example as it helps to make sense of how 2D Perlin Noise works.

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