Suppose I have a large rectangular part and I wanted to divide that part into multiple smaller randomly shaped rectangles like In the photo
I can’t seem to find a way to do this.
Suppose I have a large rectangular part and I wanted to divide that part into multiple smaller randomly shaped rectangles like In the photo
This looks like a matter of problem solving. A side note about roblox though: I do not believe it is possible to split parts into sub-parts. I may be wrong. If I am right however, removing the original part and replacing it with generated sub-parts should do the trick.
You can massively simplify this problem. Simply split the original part into two parts at random. (Random direction, and random offset from the side.) Repeat this on the two new parts until you are satisfied.
Note: This may still end up looking ‘generated’ and not random, but if you can get the above to work, stepping up to randomly dividing the part shouldn’t be that much of a stretch.
Hope this helps!