Hello there, In my guns system I’ve recently thought about adding bullet drops to it. But I have no idea how to.
So basically when the player fires the gun, the shell/Bullet comes out of it and falls onto the ground.
I have no idea whatsoever on how to do that, looking around the forum didn’t help because most posts were about the bullet losing air/falling down while in the air.
Do you want the gun just to fire and it just comes out of the bullet and falls to the ground? Or do you want it to fire and then it slowly loses height while in air. Because I don’t really understand your question.
Well you could just clone the bullet, and set the position to the front of the gun by finding the vector3 position in your script and then assigning the bullet position to that position, then just un-anchoring the bullet. Which would allow it to fall to the ground. If you would like something like that I can give you an example. (Meaning a script example)
local Player = Game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Mouse = Player:GetMouse()
You’d fire the RemoteEvent, which spawns an unanchored bullet (Just cloning and then changing position with a Vector3)
local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer --Gets local player
local Mouse = Player:GetMouse() --Gets the Mouse and defines it as mouse
local Tool = script.Parent.Parent --Defines tool as the parent of the parent of the script.
local Activated = false --True or false value
Tool.Equipped:Connect(function() --If the tool is equipped connect it to a function
Activated = true --Changes the Activated value to true
Tool.Unequipped:Connect(function() --If the tool is unequipped, connect it to a function
Activated = false --Change the Activated value to false
Mouse.Button1Down:Connect(function() --If there is a click, connect it to a function
if Activated == true then --If the variable Activated is true then it continues
game.ReplicatedStorage.FireGun:FireServer() --Fires the RemoteEvent.
Script in the Tool Handle - This defines the RemoteEvent
game.ReplicatedStorage.FireGun.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, part) --When the RemoteEvent is fired, connect it to a function. Player is the the player so it would print your player name. Part would likely be nil if you printed it.
local PlayerName = player.Name --Gets the player name
local FindGun = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(PlayerName):WaitForChild("Gun") --Defines how to find the gun.
if FindGun ~= nil then --If it finds the gun
local SpawnBullet = game.Workspace.Bullet:Clone() --Defines SpawnBullet as a clone of the bullet in workspace.
SpawnBullet.Position = Vector3.new(FindGun.Handle.Position.X,FindGun.Handle.Position.Y, FindGun.Handle.Position.Z ) --Changes the position of the bullet to the Handle of gun
SpawnBullet.Parent = game.Workspace --Puts it in the workspace so you can see it.
SpawnBullet.Anchored = false --Changes it to unanchored so it falls to the ground.
You would first find the player, then look for them in the workspace. Then find the tool, then the position.
Note: You will need a bullet model in the workspace, or ServerStorage, if you’d like. And a remoteEvent in Replicated Storage. You can edit this script as you’d like. If you don’t understand anything, please ask.
An image for reference.