Make your workflow easier with Math++!


Lua has a default math library, simply the class “math”. However I felt that some of the stuff I wanted and I am sure you too were missing from it. So I decided to make a math module, called Math++ to help us.


To install Math++ simply get a copy from it here.

You then need to place the Math++ module in a directory in which the script you will use to call the library can access. For access from the server and client I’d suggest using the ReplicatedStorage. From there simply call the require() function to a variable where the parameter of the require function is the directory path to get there, so say we have Math++ here
Screen Shot 2021-02-04 at 4.54.10 PM
We can get access to it by putting the following code in the instance named “Script”

local mathLib = require(script.Parent["Math++"])


constant: phi
Returns 1.6180339887. It is the golden ratio.

--Output: 1.6180339887

constant: e
Returns 2.718281828459. It is Eulers Number, the base of the natural logarithm.

--Output: 2.718281828459

constant: G
Returns 6.673*10^-11. It is the gravitational constant, fundamental in modeling accurate orbital physics.

--Output: 6.673e-11

function: naturalLog(log)
Equivalent to doing math.log(e, log). This is the fundamental of exponential growth.

--Output: 0.69314718055996

function: bound(min, max, value)
In a sense this maps an integer to a number from 0 to 1 between a range. So say we had our min as 0 and our max as 10 and our value was 5 we would return 0.5.

--Output: 0.5

function: derivative(x, dx, fx)
Finds the derivative of the passed function (fx) at point x. The closer dx is to 0 the more close it is to the true answer.

print(mathLib.derivative(2,0.000001, function(x)
 return x^2
--Output: 4.000001000648

function: ellipse(minorAxisLength, majorAxisLength, alpha)
Returns an array where the first element is X and the second is Y (can be replaced with Z) of a given ellipse. Contrary to the name you can still draw circles with this, the minorAxisLength just has to be equal to the majorAxisLength

for i=0,1,0.01 do
	local part ="Part")
	part.Position =,5,i)[1], 5, mathLib.ellipse(5,5,i)[2])
	part.Anchored = true
	part.Size =,1,1)
	part.Parent = workspace

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function: sigmoid(z)
Maps a value to a value from 0 to 1. Similar to bound(min, max, value), the Sigmoid function maps to ± ∞. Note though, that just like the hyperbolic tangent of x this function becomes obsolete for numbers not near 0.

--Output: 0.00100677082009

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function: quadratic(a, b, c, t)
Returns a quadratic graph where t is the timestep and a is basically how spacey it is in a sense. The smaller a is the wider the trajectory. “b” correlates to how high the graph will go and c refers to the position of where the trajectory starts (relative to axis)

for i=0,6,0.01 do
	local part ="Part")
	part.Position =, mathLib.quadratic(-0.5, 3, 0, i), 0)
	part.Anchored = true
	part.Size =,0.1,0.1)
	part.Parent = workspace

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function: integral(a, b, dx, func)
Returns the definite integral from a to b. The smaller dx is to 0 the more accurate the answer is. func refers to our graph function. For further information on what a definite integral is.

print(mathLib.integral(0, 1, 0.0001, function(x)
	return x^3
--Output: 0.25005000249993 

function: sum(a, b, func)
Given starting point a and end point b it gets the sum of all values from a function. Returning x on the function will be the equivalent of just doing 1+2+3 if a is 1 and b is 3.

print(mathLib.sum(1, 10, function(x)
	return x+x
--Output: 110

function: prod(a, b, func)
Exact same as sum(a, b, func) except instead of returning the sum of them it is the product. Returning x will be the equivalent of doing b! if a is 1. However this won’t work if it is a non-integer. You would need to use a gamma function. Do note that just cause of how exponential prod is if you get 0 or -NaN it’s probably because the range is too large.

print(, 3, function(x)
	return x^2
--Output: 36

function: lerp(a, b, z)
Linear interpolates a real number where z is the alpha. NOT a class. A refers to the minimum value and b refers to the maximum.

print(mathLib.lerp(1, 3, 0.5))
--Output:  2 

function: quadBezier(timeStep, control1, control2, control3)
Generates a bezier path from 0 to 1 (timeStep). The controls do not have to be a vector2 or a vector3.

--Output:  (0.5, 0.25, 0.25) (Vector3)

function: cubicBezier(timeStep, control1, control2, control3, control4)
Same thing as quadBezier(timeStep, control1, control2, control3) but there is another control point. For a more in-depth guide on Beziers see my video here.

--Output:  (0.731073022, 0.3583, 0.328509003 ) (Vector3)

function: eucDist(a, b, state)
Equivalent to (a.Position - b.Position).Magnitude. If you are using Vector2’s you need to pass 2 to the state parameter while for Vector3’s it is 3.

print(mathLib.eucDist(workspace.A.Position, workspace.B.Position, 3))
--Output:  22.137750904447

function: manHatDist(a, b, state)
Useful in Artificial Intelligence development. This returns the distance between two points in manhattan distance.

print(mathLib.manHatDist(workspace.A.Position, workspace.B.Position, 3))
--Output:  26.760003268719

function: chebDist(a, b, state)
Chebyshev distance essentially solves the chess problem. Of course it will be useful for that but it is also used in some sudoku algorithms. Note, even though it is used in the example it is encouraged you use this for 2d cartesian coordinates in euclidean space only.

print(mathLib.chebDist(workspace.A.Position, workspace.B.Position, 3))
--Output:  21.504999160767

function: mat4x4(components)
this method is deprecated. Use this instead, Mat4x4 Library For Computer Graphics
Generates a 4x4 array matrix given a 1 dimensional list of 16 matrix components.

local matrix = mathLib.mat4x4({1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4})

function: reflect(normal, direction)
“Flips” a vector across another in a sense. Combining this with parametric ray equations you can get some cool stuff.

local mathLib = require(script["Math++"])

	local dir = workspace.Head.Position - workspace.Tail.Position
	local newDir = mathLib.reflect(,1,0), dir)
	local p = workspace.Head.Position + newDir
workspace.Aligner.CFrame = + workspace.Head.Position) / 2, p)
workspace.Aligner.Size =, 0.5, (p-workspace.Head.Position).magnitude)
workspace.AlignerO.CFrame = + >workspace.Head.Position) / 2, workspace.Tail.Position)
	workspace.AlignerO.Size =, 0.5, (workspace.Tail.Position->workspace.Head.Position).magnitude)

Fun fact, this math was used in my ray tracer!


Good job! This is something @AstroCode will definitely like!


LOL thanks for looking out for me. This is pretty cool. Appreciate it and good job OP.


This is exactly what roblox games totally needed


if only I had enough braincells to compute this… :grinning:

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This is so damn handy. Especially this:

Does anyone know how hard it is to do code circle with nothing but math? This is a life saver

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Creating a circle in 2D is much easier (in my opinion), origin point plus sine and cosine of tick (or any int) multiplied by the radius of your circle.

On a three dimensional plane is very different lol

I have no idea how to use cosine and sine for circles :sweat_smile:

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Simple as:

local tick = tick();
local X = PosX + math.cos(tick) * Radius;
local Y = PosY + math.sin(tick) * Radius;

UI.Position = UDim2.fromScale(X, Y)

PosX and PosY are your origin point, and radius is… well the radius of your circle xd.

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oh are you serious? It’s that simple?

Man I sure do have my dumb moments. Here I am creating raytracer’s, custom 3D and 2D engines and drawing algorithms in roblox, but yet I can’t calculate circles.

Thank’s a lot though. I’ll definitely keep this formula somewhere!

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This really shows how important math is! Really cool module, keep up the great work bro!

Very cool :+1:

Is this math library more optimized than Roblox’s default math library?

There is already a function in Luau that does this. It is math.clamp

nope, this applies the linear mapping function found here. read next time.


it isnt going to be anywhere near as fast as if the math library had these. fact is for the mat4x4 one i strongly discourage using it for applications that require using matrices a lot as it is slow. but it is fine for one time oeprations

God! That’s alot of math than roblox’s current math stuff

But sadly i won’t be able to use it (maybe in the future) because i’m not up into calculating stuff

It’s still a great resource tho, Great job!

I know!, I’ve seen your custom ray tracers and they are amazing, I myself am still learning 2D rendering and hopefully that will expand my interest in to 3D rendering.

Edit: your post literally had my laughing and grinning ear to ear xd.

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Yep, math.bound does very cool things, thanks to this library I was able to achieve math.noise coloration much easier thanks to the ideas it gave me (and the maths ofc).

Thanks a lot for the library!

Explanation is here


This is an amazing module @CoderHusk ! I think you should add TAU which is 2*pi!