How would I do this?

I’m making a phone number system, I put all the valid numbers in curly brackets {} and named them.

local validNumbers = {

I wanted the system to detect if the number inputted in the phone is one of the valid numbers. This is what I came up with, but it doesn’t seem to work.

if characters == 4 and frame.PhoneNumbers.Text == validNumbers then
			local number = frame.PhoneNumbers.Text
			frame.PhoneNumbers.Text = "Dialing..."
			characters = 0
		elseif characters < 4 or frame.PhoneNumbers.Text ~= validNumbers then
			frame.PhoneNumbers.Text = "INVALID ID"
			frame.PhoneNumbers.Text = ""
			characters = 0

Could anyone help with another way to approach this?

local validNumbers = {

if table.find(validNumbers, 0101) ~= nil then
    -- valid number
    -- invalid number

you might want to replace the numbers with strings if you want numbers that start with 0 to not be treated the same as those which dont (i.e. 0101 and 101 are the same number)

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I ended up fixing the script, by changing the validNumbers to String Values

local validNumbers = {

And changing the script to this (the part that detects a correct number)

if characters.Value == 4 and table.find(validNumbers, frame.PhoneNumbers.Text) then
		local number = frame.PhoneNumbers.Text
		frame.PhoneNumbers.Text = "Dialing...."

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