How would I edit the GUI of ExperienceChat (ex. Add buttons or Image next to players name)

I want to change the look of the new chat system. Adding an emoji selection button, adding player avatar images next to their name, and a few other things.

The current issue is I found where “ExperienceChat” is located (CoreGUI → ExperienceChat) but when I edit it and place it back in CoreGUI it gets replaced by the default one when the game loads up.

I’ve looked everywhere (here and youtube) but I only stumble upon people dealing with the LegacyChatSystem and the Roblox documentation only covers how to do basic changes to the chat.

I think the only way that would be possible is if you reverse engineered it; however, I don’t recommend this as it’s just extremely painful and complicated.

If you really want to do it, go ahead; here’s some stuff that’ll help if so

The script that initiates it is stored in:


CorePackages are stored in:


RobloxGui/Modules is stored in:


If you can’t find them in there you could download from

CorePackages: Roblox-Client-Tracker/LuaPackages at roblox · MaximumADHD/Roblox-Client-Tracker · GitHub

CoreScripts/ExperienceChatMain: Roblox-Client-Tracker/scripts/CoreScripts/CoreScripts at roblox · MaximumADHD/Roblox-Client-Tracker · GitHub

RobloxGui/Modules: Roblox-Client-Tracker/scripts/CoreScripts/Modules at roblox · MaximumADHD/Roblox-Client-Tracker · GitHub

I recommend importing RobloxGui/Modules and CorePackages using a plugin like rojo

Hmm interesting. I looked through a few games and found Livetopia does something similar to what I am looking for.


Is it possible to make a complete custom GUI but still use backend features such as /w or /e?

Edit: I suppose it would be possible with reverse engineering just very complicated

Those ones use the legacy chat system, I’m sure.

Yeah, I think you’re right. I’d prefer to use the new system for future proofing but might just have to use the old system as it seems way more modifiable.