How would I fix a positional problem based on size

I have 2 clips of a game I am working on, where a part follows another part that the player controls. All works well until you want to rotate the part. This is what happens if the part is small, vs big, the big model being what I want to use.

CLIP1: The model size I want to use

CLIP2: A smaller carriage

As you can see the smaller carriage has its positioning closer, making it look more realistic, but the issue is is that the carriage is tiny, but if i make the carriage bigger, the positioning has to happen at the center, which is an issue, so how would I make the position happen at the front: SS for reference

The black dot is where the positioning gets updated for ROBLOX, but I want the position to get updated at the front, green dot.

The post that i submitted before, with help from @azqjanna