How would I fix the gun orientation and animation priority

This is the method for getting the gun to move with the starter character

somebody helped me with in in my last post also the gun is a free model
but anyway I can only move it through the attachment and it doesn’t line up in game and I use animation priority for the gun animations to have walking with it and it mixes weird the gun also only attaches to the one hand and not the other if anyone needs more info or know a solution I would appreciate it

In order to change how your character holds the gun, use a plugin called tool grip editor. It works great and is super easy. So thats what i’d recommend. If you are not into plugins, go to the tools property and experiment with orientation.

To change the animation priority, use robloxs animation editor and load the animation you’re using. Then, click the … and you can change it from there.

Hope this helps you

Unfortunately the addon crashes my game when I use it and it doesn’t attach to the other hand.

edit: I should also mention the startercharacter used bones and not motor6ds

Could it be possible that the plugin crashes your studio because you are using the new studio UI? There was an issue with the new UI where plugins would crash your studio.

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I just checked it and I think its when the tool in still in the starter pack but I still don’t think it would work not sure though