I’m currently working off a height-map terrain, I’m trying to smooth it down after adding / subtracting from the terrain, however, when i smooth it, it completely erodes the ground all the way through.
This is how thick the terrain is, incase it’s a case of the terrain not being thick enough.
When importing from this heightmap, i changed the position by -1 on Y each time until i got to 20 to make sure there’s no air pockets which could cause this problem. However it still happens.
Here’s what it looks like:
If anyone can tell me a better way of generating terrain like this or how i can fix this, it’d be greatly appreciated
Im not sure if you’re trying to lower the thickness of the terrain or higher it? I mean usually thinner terrain takes up less voxels so if you’re trying to do that, select replace, get the terrain you’re choosing and pick out the bottom part and replace it with air.
if you’re referring to too much of the terrain going away at once when youd prefer less to go away, lower the size on the eraser. the size of the circle signifies how much is being taken away
I’ve tried that and everything else above that people have suggested, the only thing that sort of works is changing the pivot position, but even then it doesn’t really smooth the terrain.
Can you clarify a bit what you’re attempting to do? Are you trying to taper it down into an edge, remove terrain, or… what? Because at least to me that looks like it’s already flat. If smoothing really is the goal and you just showed a flat area, I’d recommend a lot smaller brush, probably a wide but short cylinder.
I just used that part of the terrain as an example, there’s rough terrain especially in the mountains etc where it does that and i can’t smoothen it because it’s eroding it rather than smoothening it
The easiest way to fix that in my experience is to use grow on the other side of the terrain first and then smooth. Or, use grow/erode and do it manually because the smooth tool makes some weird decisions sometimes.