How would I force a player to chat with TextChatService from the server?

  1. I have a system that indicates a players temperature and I want the players character to say something like “Brrr I’m cold”. To do that I need a way to trigger MessageRecieved from the server.

  2. I can’t seem to find a function for TextChatService that forces the player to chat. The DisplayBubble function won’t work because I use a custom chat using MessageReceived from TextChatService.

  3. I tried looking on the DevForum and API and only found SendAsync but that only works on the client.

If anyone’s got any ideas on how to do that it would be helpful if not I’ll just fire a remote to the client and use the custom chat systems function.

Yeah a remote is the best choice here. Sounds like a security risk to let a game send Roblox Chat messages. Just fire the remote to all clients and :DisplayBubble() what ever message you got

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