I’m working on a rig system in Roblox, where I want to display the clothing a rig is wearing. Specifically, I’m trying to figure out how to retrieve a clothing item’s Marketplace ID using the clothing instance in the game, similar to how we can retrieve a GamePass ID. Is there a way to obtain the Marketplace ID from the instance of the clothing in the game, so I can accurately showcase the rig’s outfit?
I am quite unexperienced, but am happy to help to my best ability!
So, what do you mean? Like are you trying to get a players clothes?
I’m trying to prompt a purchase for a shirt, but all I currently have is the shirt’s instance. How would I go about retrieving its Asset ID?
What do you mean by the shirts instance. Do you mean a shirtgraphic? A humanoid description? If there is an ID attached to the shirt instance then you could do
and prompt the purchase based on the ID? Idk what the ID property is called so don’t just copy paste that!
By shirt’s instance I mean the shirt itself, the Shirt’s object
Can you send a picture? I am a visual kinda guy ik I may not be helpful but am trying my best to help!
or maybe is there another way to retrieve its id? for example humanoiddescription or smthn?
aha. I see. Can you send me a picture of properties? I need to look at them
Nothing related to the ID, I tried to get the ID from the shirttemplate but that wasnt it
You could also grab the ID from the ShirtTemplate
property of the object itself but using the HumanoidDescription of the player is preferred.
Thanks a bunch but how would I get it from the ShirtTemplate tho
tonumber(string.gsub(shirt.ShirtTemplate, "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=", ""))
-> "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=413687262"
<- 413687262
I already tried using the id as the assetid but it didnt really work
What was the issue? ShirtTemplate
is a string so you have to convert it into a number before using it as an ID.
I tried prompting both using PromptPurchase the humanoid description one worked and the ShirtTemplate’s number did not work, and both of them are different
HumanoidDescription: 18576465220
ShirtTemplate: 18576465169
Ah, then that would mean that the ShirtTemplate
is using the clothing asset’s upload template. HumanoidDescription is the only way to get shirt/pants/t-shirt IDs in that case.
I thought so too, Thanks for the help
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