5,720 Robux is not nearly enough for an advertisement. And even then, I wouldn’t be comfortable spending much of it in case the ad fails. This is my current budget, but I might have a premium stipend of another 1K coming soon.
I’ve read somewhere that 1 Robux is about 2 clicks for an ad. If I was going to advertise, I would probably spend 70 Robux over the course of 2 days, spending 35 each day. that would be an estimated 140 clicks, and most of the people who clicked probably wouldn’t even bother to join the group. So that’s 70 Robux down the drain for a just few members.
I always hear recommendations of about 1-5K Robux spent per day. If I spent 1K Robux per day over the course of 5 days, that’d be an estimated 10K clicks, and maybe about 1K more members?
Even if I did that, I’d only have 720 Robux left in my account (1,720 if I got that premium stipend I was talking about earlier), and let me tell you, it’s not easy to make even half of the amount I’dve spent at all.
I do have merch, but I probably wouldn’t make 100 Robux even off of 1K members, so that idea is completely out the window.
To make a long story short, I can’t advertise. So, if you can, please tell me a cheaper way to get some members.
Yeah, I’ve been trying GRP for a few days now, and I haven’t gotten a single member out of it. There’s just too much competition for it to really work out for anyone.
You’d really be amazed how much Sponsoring new games can actually grow a game/community. I run a 44,000+ member group that started after we jokingly ran a 2,000 Robux add and got like 30-40 people playing.
Ads are honestly just as efficient if you do it right, it’s all about timing, so you get the most views for your money. Waiting for a time where the estimated views is higher is a huge boost, often I’ll stay up super late into Friday morning and run ads before the bigger groups wake up and run theirs for the start of the weekend. I’ve seen some of the best results there.
Word of mouth unfortunately isn’t a huge boost when you don’t have numbers yet, honestly Advertisements for groups, Sponsors for games. That’s the best way to do it.
If your group is really good, 5K ROBUX should be a good amount to invest. As long as your group / game is interesting and you actually have a way to make a profit (game passes, shirts, etc.) you should be fine with spending a bit on ADs.
The thing is, there’s always that extremely high chance everything won’t be “fine” and I lose 5K Robux to absolutely nothing. I don’t plan on doing that anytime soon.
Networking with similar groups can help. If you make alliances with other war clans of a similar nature, for example, some of their members may join yours as well. You go to joint raids/events together and build that connection.
Or, if you’re a club, go to related style games and make connections with other players and try to pull them in to the group.
If you’re a clothes group, making great clothes and advertising may be your only way.
I remember going to a ‘clothing store’ for a group and it was well done. It did look like it was done on a budget, but it was still easy to walk around and look at their selection. I was kind of sold on the clothing. It wasn’t my style but, if it were, I definitely would have purchased and I would have probably joined the group to keep an eye on new releases.
Advertising may be a necessary evil and the quality and timing of that advertising will make a huge difference. However the quality of the product itself (group, in this case) will have a big impact on adoption success, prolonged customer allegiance and onward reputation / word-of-mouth growth.
@99guineafowl do you have an existing group that you want to grow? If so, how about sharing it here so this Dev community can potentially better help you? It’s also a bit of free advertising
@SkullTail, what is your 44,000+ group? That might provide @99guineafowl with extra inspiration.
How would I go about that? That might help, but it might be hard to contact other group owners with a group similar to mine. Plus, most group owners probably don’t want to bother helping some rondom guy they’ve never met grow his group.
Personally, I’d say 5k is plenty to advertise. If you’re not fine with spending 5k on an ad, thats fine. Its a lot of robux. but even 1k can do good with advertising. I advertised with 60 robux just to see how much ads are seen and a few people joined my group. Roblox ads are good and with 1k you can get a lot of people to see the ad.
My advice for admaking is to get a professional ad maker and make it look good so more people are interested.
TLDR; Roblox ads are good for even a small price (1-3k), just hire a professional ad designer.
60 Robux should be worth a bit more than just a few members. This is why I’m not fond of advertising, I’m just trading my Robux for what it’s not worth.
In my examples, I said that 1 Robux gets about 2 clicks, and every 10 clicks might get me a member. With 60 Robux, that would be 120 clicks, gaining me about 12 members (but probably less because people aren’t as willing to join a group with only a few member as a group with hundreds or thousands of members).
Most advertisers are rich and probably have over 2 times as much Robux as me, so 60 Robux is nothing to them, but to me, 60 Robux is a lot.
Alliances with groups. Find other groups that relate to the genre of the group you’re creating and join their respective Discords and attempt to form an alliance with them. The easiest way to get your group out there, and the cheapest (free!).
I guess I could give advertising a shot, but I’m not sure what the better approach would be. If I was going to spend, for example, 70 Robux on advertising, should I use it all at once for a single day of advertising or should I run it for a week, using 10 Robux a day?
What would you do?
Spend it all at once
Spend a little each day so it lasts a week
If you can, let me know why you chose what you did in a reply. I’d appreciate any tips you can give me.