How would I get a players favorited games?

I’m trying to get a players favorited games but on Swagger UI its specific url is shown to be deprecated.

link to swagger ui

Is there a more updated version of how to get favorited games, I also tried doing it anyways but I got the message “HttpError: DnsResolve”.

Hi, to get the list of users “favorited” experiences you can make a get request to the API endpoint below and it will return favorited experiences on roblox (don’t forget to wrap requests in pcall incase if any errors occur while making a request)

Would that be the exact url for decoding?

I also got the error not allowed to access Roblox resource on the url.

Use Roproxy, for example,

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I tried this:

local url = "" .. userInfo.Id .. "/favorites"

didn’t work.

ah nvm your url worked, do you just have to replace Roblox with roproxy to avoid using Roblox Resources?

Yeah, it’s a proxy. It works by making the request for you, and masking it.