shared() doesn’t get replicated between client and server and I would also recommend to research a bit about shared() since I’m not sure if its deprecated.
What you have should work, its just whenever something else has an “ObjectType” its checking for an activate() function, so if another ObjectType doesn’t have that function, its gonna return nil.
The issue I’m experiencing is that the GetAllFromModel function cannot find, lets say “Flashlight” inside the functions table, even if both are the same name and everything. I’m confused as to why this isn’t working now since it has worked for me before.
Ah. You figured it out, and I’m just realizing how stupid I am.
The issue was that there were other objects with different types that have no functionalities yet, and it always checked for an object named “Flashlight” first, errored, and thus the rest of the code wouldn’t run. Thanks.