Hello good people,. I just wanna know how I would get some cool player shadows such as the following image:
Any help appreciated!
Hello good people,. I just wanna know how I would get some cool player shadows such as the following image:
Any help appreciated!
Thats not even possible due to Roblox Lighting limitations
Hovewer you can use GFX for cool shadows
Have you tried just importing a character in studio? I am pretty sure roblox’s shadows are capable enough to produce that. I recommend setting the lighting technology to future and setting shadow softness to zero.
No , if you do this shadows become choppy and ugly
Errr… you sure mr knows it all?
IDK but they seem pretty good to me. Of course, I can make them better by adjusting a couple of lighting settings and such.
Still choppy shadows , why not ShadowSoftness to 0.125
Hey awry I’m not trying to gaslight you but im going to help you
are you saying that i should change the starter character to something else or what? I dont know what settings to change.
It’s not entirely impossible, you can try to tweak some Lighting changes to make the shadow look almost the same as that like this:
For this one, I’ve used 0.05 for ShadowSoftness, It doesn’t matter if you use ShadowMap or Future, they’re still the same. And if you want the shadow to be cast straight like that, change ClockTime to 12.
If you’re wondering what shadow settings I’ve used, here is a picture of it: