How would i get the texture from a model?

so i am converting a model into a mesh, but i am missing the texture, so how would i get it from the original model?

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So it depends on what you are doing, if its a model that already has the texture on it it should have something that says texture id in the properties tab under appearance on the model, paste the number into the number of decal on the library and then save the image.

if its a catalog item then you can usually get both mesh and texture using a plugins (such as Catalog Toolbox - Roblox) than just do the part above.

Once you have the mesh into blender look on the side for this sphere (the material properties)
once there click the new button and find the base color and click the yellow circle right next to it
once you do that its going to open a big menu with a ton of options, click image texture
then just press open and open the texture onto the model!

hope this helps!! and if i misunderstood very sorry for the lengthy reply

huh, i pressed image texture and nothing happend (i think), still no texture
Screenshot 2022-12-26 at 7.39.08 PM

you need to open the texture, it doesnt have any image data

so what i did was i imported the model, get the obj file, put it into a mesh file but im missing the texture, how do i get the texture from the blender model/ the roblox model then? :thinking:

does the model you’re importing already have a texture or is it a roblox model?

its a roblox model in roblox studios

I dont believe there is a way to get the texture off a model built with roblox parts, I may but wrong but I don’t believe there is, sorry

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hmm is there a way to get the texture off a blender model then? because when i imported it when the MTL file it filled in the colors, any way i can do something like that?

I dont know, you can try to take it as a color attribute in the shading tab and try plugging that in
it might work but it might also not work, im really not sure

hmm, didn’t there any other way?