How would I go about adding customizable colors to my character customizer?

Hello, I have made this thread to ask about something that’s been bothering me for a while.
How would I go about adding color modification to my character customization such as changing the color of your shirt?

I’m not really sure how to approach this and I haven’t found anything about it when looking, Any help is appreciated, Thank you!

Do you want predefined colours in your character customiser or a colour wheel or hsl chooser?
Predefined colours can be used with a table

local colours = {
    ['Option1'] =,1,1);
    ['Option2'] =,0.1,1);

--Setting Option1 colour
local shirt = player.Character.Shirt
shirt.Color3 = colours['Option1']

If you want a colour wheel then there is one made by @StrategicPlayZ, Color Picker - Roblox

Would this change the shirt itself or the torso that the shirt doesn’t cover?

it would change the shirt colour itself since shirt has the property Color3 which means it can have colour added to its texture.

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Thanks @LumenGear for all of the help. :slight_smile: