I am trying to create a smooth curved road using waypoints and Beziers, with the resulting curve needing to both rotate around the y axis, and moving vertically along the y axis, similar to this map by the RoKarts team:
(Image using Bezier path plugin with wedges)
Link to Bezier path plugin: Bézier Paths - Roblox
Main issues with Bezier path, is that the generated road has repeated “bumps”, due to the wedges being placed along the Bezier in a pattern which creates an extremely uneven road.
I’ve also tried to use the Archimedes plugin, however I’m unable to use it here since I need it to interpolate between a set of pre-defined points, making it too time consuming to use on a large scale, and I’ve not been able to find any road plugins which are able to generate roads with elevation.
Here is a place which I’ve setup for testing the roads, please let me know if you have a method, plugin or script which would be able to generate roads from a set of points or would be able to generate a curve:
RoadGenerationTestingPlace.rbxl (1.2 MB)