How would I go about doing sand generation?

How would I make it so I can generate sand in a modulescript?
I’m basically making a mining simulator, and need help with the sand generation. if you go in mining simulator, and you see the different types of sand in different positions, you’ll see it. I also have rich sand which has a 35% chance out of 100 to spawn in normal sand
I have a folder of parts I want in a certain position, what I basically do is:
-go thru every part in the folder
-Clone the part and parent it to workspace
-Color it
-name it
I have multiple names and certain positions, here’s the module:

local items = { -- 4,4,4 block size
	["Sand"] = {
		color = "Daisy orange";
		pos = {738.005, 710.005}; -- top y, low y, the first variable is the beginning Y value, the other variable is the end value
		coins = 1;
		exclusiveChance = {
			name = "Rich Sand";
			color = "New Yeller";
			chance = {40,100};
			coins = 2;
	["Grey Sand"] = {
		color = "Medium stone grey";
		pos = {706.005, 666.005};
		coins = 3;	
	["Pink Sand"] = {
		color = "Hot pink";
		pos = {662.005, 618.005};
		coins = 5;
	["Blue Sand"] = {
		color = "Lapis";
		pos = {614.005, 578.005};
		coins = 6;
	["Green Sand"] = {
		color = "Lime green";
		pos = {574.005, 530.005};
		coins = 15;
	["Orange Sand"] = {
		color = "Deep orange";
		pos = {526.005, 442.005};
		coins = 25;
	["Cyan Sand"] = {
		color = "Cyan";
		pos = {438.005, 302.003};
		coins = 30;	
	["White Sand"] = {
		color = "Institutional white";
		pos = {298.003, 210.003};
		coins = 45;	
	["Black Sand"] = {
		color = "Really black";
		pos = {206.002, 122.001};
		coins = 60;	
	["Red Sand"] = {
		color = "Really red";
		pos = {118.001, 6};
		coins = 85;	
return items

That dosent help, give me the script??

local players = game:GetService("Players")
local deb = game:GetService("Debris")
local rep = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
_G.playerEffects = {}
local mods = rep.modules
local sandTypes = require(mods.sandTypes)
_G.generatedSand = {}
for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("ServerStorage").spawns:GetChildren()) do
	if v.Position.Y <= 738.005 and v.Position.Y >= 710.005 then
		local part ="Part", workspace)
		part.Size =,4,4)
		part.Position = v.Position
		part.Anchored = true
		part.TopSurface =Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
		part.BrickColor =

this is supposed to be the generator right?
Is this supposed to generate all types of sand?

Nvm, let me do it. 1 sec
Sorry misunderstood

local players = game:GetService("Players")
local deb = game:GetService("Debris")
local rep = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
_G.playerEffects = {}
local mods = rep.modules
local sandTypes = require(mods.sandTypes)
_G.generatedSand = {}
for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("ServerStorage").spawns:GetChildren()) do
	if v.Position.Y <= 738.005 and v.Position.Y >= 710.005 then
		local part ="Part", workspace)
		part.Size =,4,4)
		part.Position = v.Position
		part.Anchored = true
		part.TopSurface =Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
		local raritynumber = math.random(0,100)
		if raritynumber >= 0 and raritynumber <= 35 then
            part.BrickColor =
            part.BrickColor =

this will generate a number between 0 and 100, and if its between 0 and 35, it will make it rich sand.

Mk, i’ll test it, but here’s the thing, its multiple types of sand and it seems to be just below the number I want for the y value,

You only gave me a part of the code, I cant help.

I messed up on the actual generation, thats what I need help with, I can do the random rich sand chance, but here’s the picture of the issue:
It’s a block down when its supposed to fully fill the top

You probably messed up the positions.

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Maybe I did, but I took note of the positions perfectly, so I’m confused with this.

Nevermind, I figured out how, thanks!

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No problem! Make sure to mark the question as solved.