so i have a knockback system in my game that lets u knock players through walls
the debris is client sided so npcs are able to go through the wall smoothly while still affecting the parts on the players client but the parts do not affect their movent
players are still affected by the debris tho so is there a way i could make it to where a player can affect a part like the npcs can but the parts cant affect the players?
It’s just a matter of collision here if this method doesn’t work for you. You could redesign the wall breaching system so that the wall collapses a little beforehand
why not just simulate collision physics on the other client, have a remote event that handles collisions that fires to every single client so that it is replicated on each.
You can get the players velocity before impact and then impart a force relative to that on the debris. Then if you keep the debris from colliding with the player it should look like they knock the debris over when passing through. Also prevents any issues that arise with unanchored parts.
You can create another anchored cloned avatar and that follows the position of every player’s part and make it invisible. This cloned avatar should not collide with player characters but should still collide with walls. (edit: also make player’s character not collide with walls
Credit of original rbxl and cloning character script: 6mikael6
Behind_Wall_Highlight1.rbxl (99.3 KB)
I adjust the AssemblyLinearVelocity for each cloned player’s part based on the change in position (delta position) to ensure better physical interactions.