How would I go about doing this?

Hello! I’m BluestOfFlames, and I am an aspiring game dev. I had question: How would I go about making this? I want to learn how to make the GUI effect shown below: where a GUI seems to come out of another one. I know about Tweening, but I’m still not sure how I would do this. Any and all help is appreciated!

Well, you can use a image of a white line I guess, or a text label that is white, then on hover tween the white line to the desired length, and right before it finishes or ig halfway done with the tween, make the text visible.
Oh and you would have to set the anchor point to the left middle to get it to tween correctly.

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I think I get it. Thank you! (know those moments when you ask a question and then realize the answer right after? :upside_down_face:)

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