I’m currently creating an interaction handler which uses .Magnitude to determine if a player’s character is within a certain radius of an interact-able object. The problem is that the interaction prompt appears even when there is an object in between the player and the object. I assume I would have to use raycasting for this, however I have zero experience with creating my own rays, the most experience I have is mouse.Hit.
Another thing is that this tarp is a mesh so I don’t believe I could use :GetTouchingParts() as it doesn’t seem efficient, and I don’t believe it could check as accurately as raycasting would.
What calculates the distance between the character and the object (works fine).
local closestDistance = math.huge
local closestObject = nil
for i,interactionObject in pairs(interactableObjects) do
if interactionObject:IsA('Model') then
interactionObject = interactionObject.PrimaryPart
if (humanoidRootPart.Position - interactionObject.Position).Magnitude < minimumInteractionDistance then
if (humanoidRootPart.Position - interactionObject.Position).Magnitude < closestDistance then
closestDistance = (humanoidRootPart.Position - interactionObject.Position).Magnitude
closestObject = interactionObject
if not closestObject then
template.Parent = nil
template.Adornee = nil
elseif closestObject ~= openInteraction then
.Touched and (especially) .TouchEnded aren’t very accurate so the user would end up with the interact stuck on their screen or it wouldn’t appear at all. Plus I have an entire system created and I don’t really want to create a new one using this method unfortunately. I’m only really looking to refine the current system.
I also went about creating a system like this awhile ago and it all in all didn’t work very well, especially with multiple interact popups.
If I understand this correctly you want to only show something when the player is at a given angle right? Assuming this is the case you can use the dot product of 2 vectors and get the given angle between 2 parts with this function
local function GetAngleBetween(part1, part2)
return math.acos(part.CFrame.LookVector:Dot((part1.Position - part2.Position).Unit))
You can use ray casting for this. Cast a ray from the NPC’s humanoid root part inside the market stall and check if something hits the ray, if it does, there is a part between the market stall.
local MAX_DISTANCE = 35
local ray = workspace:RayCast(npc.HumanoidRootPart.Position, npc.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.LookVector * MAX_DISTANCE)
-- If ray is not nil, there is a part in between
if (ray ~= nil) then