Greetings, everyone. This is my first post here on the Developer Forums. Now that I am granted the ability to post, I wanted to ask the community a question. For years I’ve been playing this wonderful game but never really grasped the idea of how to build. I’ve heard of F3X Building tools, but I’m not sure if that is considered outdated as of now. If someone could help me out I’d be very appreciative.
Looking at image references is important when building, and so is correctly coloring and materializing parts. F3X building tools do help you build, but you can still construct almost anything without them. Overall, to successfully become a master builder, you need to practice, get your work out to the public for them to examine and give you tips/help, and create what you want to.
You can search for tutorials on Youtube, and read tutorials in development communities and Discord servers, as well on as on the API (Creating on Roblox | Roblox Creator Documentation). Learning to build is kinda just messing around with parts till you make something that looks good.
Basically, a mix of videos, books/texts/readings, messing around, contacting people, taking advice, etc will help you learn how to build, just like any other skill or trade. Getting tips and just practicing and getting experience is good too. Remember, practice makes perfect.
Also you might wanna change the category to #help-and-feedback since this topic doesn’t really encourage discussion on development.
So I’m assuming you’re looking for some tips on building and what plugins you should be using.
Tutorials for beginners:
I would highly recommend watching some YouTube tutorials to learn about studio and its features. If I had to recommend anyone specifically, I would suggest RoBuilder.
He has some great tutorials regarding 3D modeling, which can be very beneficial for builders depending on what you need to do, likewise, he has some tutorials for new studio users and videos dedicated to helping new developers.
Roblox Studio has a variety of different plugins one can purchase for free or with Robux. There’s a lot of great free plugins out there that will help you develop and build your experiences.
Some great options I’d suggest are:
- F3X
- Part-to-terrain (I don’t use this as frequently as something like F3X, but it can be very helpful…!
- (i cant think of any others off the top of my head, i’m literally blanking… i’ll update this soon once i go into studio and get you a list)
Final thoughts:
Anyways, with every new skill in life it will take time and practice to learn. I’d mess around with parts in studio and see what you can create. If you want to really get into studio and building, download 3D Blender. Blender is a 3D modeling software that can take your games to the next level in terms of environment design, etc. However Blender is an application that is hard to learn, it can be crucial for builders for designing and texturing models. As I mentioned before, RoBuilder has some Blender tutorials you can watch.
Anyways, that’s all I’ve got. Hope this helps you!
I suggest you try out by yourself, the Model tab is what you need, everything in there is useful for Building, look at reference images and try to recreate them, that’s the easiest way to you ask me
As a builder I had the same question. One of the things that helped me aside from RoBuilder, or just trying it, was listening to Asimo3089’s QnA.'s
I highly recommend you check these out when you can, as Asimo goes over things like inspiration,challenges, and other important things that helped him including a building plugin.
Start by researching a type of building(s) you like, for instance landscapes or ancient egypt/tomes and such. From there study the types of architecture around it, along with all the shapes that fit in to make a certain piece come together. After that understand color theory and usage of materials. From there go into studio and practice custom making shapes make a circle starting from just a regular square part using unions/negates. Form every type of shape possible and make 5 variations trying to make it better each time. After you can correctly form parts together, find a previous picture you liked while studying a type of architecture and try to recreate it. Try to make that 1 picture 10 different types and scale it differently each time, this will help you understand proportions.
By time you’ve done all this you practically have all the base skills you need to become intermediate, from there its just practice. Trying the same thing with a different landscape or the same type of style but different scenery. You shouldn’t watch youtube tutorials, because every single one is either this “watch how i make things” or “take these plugins I use”. Having good plugins doesn’t make you a good builder, it just makes it faster to make certain parts. I suggest practicing without them, because practice is the best way to become good.
The easiest and most obvious way in my opinion is just to get started, it doesn’t matter what you build, you just need to do it, eventually you’ll find your favored art styles and niche and what suites you the best and it’s really just if you decide to continue from there.
I mean it’s about development about roblox. The OP is asking help about developping. As for OP, building isn’t as difficult, you just need the right tools for it and if you wanna go far, you can use external 3d modeling tools like blender.
F3X building tools is not outdated, I use it every day. If you’re learning to build, use an increment bigger than 0 for moving, and resizing. I use 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1. If you use the 0 increment, all your builds will be terribly unaligned.
Try learning blender as that is where you can make meshes meaning it has less lag if your doing big builds
Yesterday I was making a sword and I had to use increments like 0.007, they’re a pain, and the worst thing is the Camera that moves very fast and the outline, it was a pain but I did it in the end
Hey! I’m not one to particularly speak on the building behalf as I don’t classify myself as a Builder. However, I have completed builds in the past and there are very few things to note, as well as remember when starting building.
Starting off, there is obviously personal preference. These can range from the plugins you prefer using, the stud points in which you use to resize as well as the rotation level you use (increments) that suits your best interest. With me personally, I like having my moving stud point at 0.1, it’s easy and gets the job done not exactly quickly, however helps perfect the little details.
Although as much as F3X may be frowned, or frowned upon in most communities, it is always best to remember what you prefer most. Studio and F3X has its differences between the two, although they work the same. F3X is what I prefer mainly as it’s easier to learn the keybinds, I still haven’t fully learnt what all of the keybinds are for normal studio tools haha. It’s not outdated, nor is it a “noob way” of utilising the building asset in studio. If F3X is what helps you create your dreams, go for it.
A few things that have helped me majorly in completing builds is commissioning modellers, purchasing asset packs and more into creating the scene I am imagining when creating a ROBLOX build. If you aren’t well trained in Blender and don’t plan on learning, there are several asset packs on the Unity Store as well as Unreal Engine which are for sale that you can import within to ROBLOX studio and use. As well as modellers, these are a great alternative if you are looking for another refined look within your game and are unable to complete it. Although these may not be your original models, it will help you massively; just make sure credit is given where credit is due.
One other thing I learnt building with is taking inspiration from buildings that have been constructed in real life, taking that specific building and seeing if I can find the floor plan of it online. If you have the design aspect from the outside and inside proportion as well as the floor plan, you can efficiently try and replicate it within ROBLOX.
One thing to note when learning building is that this does not come as a quick process. Although you may pick up on the ways very quickly, it took me a lot of time and motivation to complete my first ever build. Don’t let that stop you though! The end product is what you are working towards and the feeling once you have accomplished that end product is like no other.
It also depends on which building style you are looking to go into, whether that is low poly, medium poly, high poly or a mix of them.
Shooting back to the asset packs and more, they’re incredibly easy to use and help massively. This is the first ever build I completed, and I wouldn’t have been able to do it without the asset pack I purchased off Unreal Engine.