Would there be anyway to tween a gui in a curve or move it relative to it’s rotation. I couldn’t find anything online about it or any modules. Any help is appreciated, thank you.
I would probably just do a basic simulation of a particle under gravity. For each coin have a table containing position and velocity vector3s. Then have something like this:
We just do a simple physics simulation in the first two lines inside the for loop, then turn our ‘imaginary’. so to speak, Vector3 position into a position on the screen, and using the depth of the particle, Z, to change its size, to give the illusion of it moving in 3D as a 2D element. If you give them an initial upwards velocity and a random velocity in the X and Z directions, it should create a nice fountain effect.
Physics functions would also be beneficial, but for when you need something more complex than a simple down-then-up (or vice versa), or you want it to follow a very specific path (more complex than one curve), bezier curves are the way to go, especially if you want it to change curve direction.